Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Greenland Expedition by Proxy

I am now a Virtual Artist on an expedition to Greenland!  
I will be joining the 

Chasing the Light Expedition 

using my artworks to take my thoughts and artworks into lands which I am not able to travel and stand upon personally.

I have been invited to join a group of artists/photographers traveling along the western coast of Greenland this August.  They are collecting images and documenting changes while traveling along the route of the Hudson River School painter William Bradford.  The work will be exhibited at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in 2013.  

I will be preparing journals and artworks to be used in documentation and art installations, which will then be carried by the expedition leader, and incorporated voluntarily into the activities of the artists, thereby creating a virtual collaboration!  
I am anticipating that my work will active during the voyage, return with the expedition, and then be included in the New Bedford museum show, serving both as education and inspiration artworks.  

First on the list is some aspect of historical discovery journaling--- see my last 2 posts!

I will be sharing more info about how to become  a Virtual Artist in Greenland in my blogs and on my Facebook page as the summer progresses— but for now, you are the first to know!

Here is the wonderful link to the Kickstarter fundraising site for the expedition— it explains why, who, and where in a short video.  It also includes some amazing art and scenery, so enjoy!  Let me know if you would enjoy other updates and information about our expedition and Greenland-- one of the world's most remote and beautiful places you and I may never "see"…..

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